Can Ch BabyDoll's Boy Toy
Bubba has won 3 Best In Match/Best Puppy
In Match before starting his show career.
Watch for Bubba's son "Smooch" who is my
next Show Hopeful. Born June 11/2001
Bubba 15 months Old

Mr. Max Magder
"One of the most exquisite poms I have had the pleasure to watch and put my hands on. Truly A magnificent example of the breed!"
Christine Heartz -Chriscendo Kennels
"A very honest & stylish puppy"
Mr. Micheal Hill
"The minute I saw him I fell in Love"
Mrs. Thora Brown
"An absolutely stunning example of the Breed"
Mrs. Thora Brown gave Bubba
from the BBE Class Group 2, Puppy Group